Dungeons and Dragons Wiki

4th-level transmutation

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You convert raw materials into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump o f trees, a rope from a patch of hemp, and clothes from flax or wool.

Choose raw materials that you can see within range. You can fabricate a Large or smaller object (contained within a 10-foot cube, or eight connected 5-foot cubes), given a sufficient quantity o f raw material. 

If you are working with metal, stone, or another mineral substance, however, the fabricated object can be no larger than Medium (contained within a single 5-foot cube). 

The quality o f objects made by the spell is commensurate with the quality o f the raw materials.

Creatures or magic items can’t be created or transmuted by this spell. You also can’t use it to create items that ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, 

such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have proficiency with the type of artisan’s tools used to craft such objects.
